Monday, June 11, 2018
Fallout 4 companions guide
Fallout 4 companions guide
It�s great to have a friend nearby when your life is adrift in the wasteland. Fallout 4 might not quite be the RPG that Fallout used to be, but one thing it kept from the old days is its thick roster of available companions.
Location: Combat Zone
Weapon skills:Double-barrel shotgun, baseball bat
Become best friends by:Putting a bucket on a shopowner�s head and clearing out their shelves, as she thrives on violence and selfishness. Avoid chems later on. Drink, pickpocket, and get naked�all the good things in life.
Unique perk:Trigger Rush�action points regenerate faster if health is below 25 percent. Unlocked with max affinity and by completing the Benign Intervention quest.
Cait is a drug-abusing bare knuckle boxer with a crappy attitude and a mean spirit. After arriving in the Combat Zone in downtown Boston, clear out the rowdy clientele and have a conversation with Cait and the Zone owner. Cait is coarse and hates it when you show generosity or kindness to anyone, but she�s handy in a fight. Plus, she�s managed to maintain a thick Irish accent even though Ireland was presumably destroyed over 200 years ago, so you�ve got to admire her commitment.
Location:Your front door, Sanctuary Hills
Weapon skills:Circular saw, flamethrower
Become best friends by:Being nice and generous, and avoiding addiction. Codsworth also likes it when you modify armor and weapons.
Unique perk: Robot Sympathy�gain +10 damage resistance against robotic energy weapons. Unlocked by achieving max affinity.
Romanceable? No
Your faithful pre-war robot butler, Codsworth, is waiting on your front step when you emerge from Vault 111. Like all Mr. Handy model robots, this domestic servant is plated in heavy steel and packing nasty weaponry. After you reunite with Codsworth, he�ll offer to join you on your travels. Codsworth may be your butler but he�ll chide you like your mom if you kill, steal, fight, do drugs, or stay out past your curfew. Being nice and showing an interest in mechanical tinkering raises his opinion of you, proving once and for all that robots can be selfish, too.
Location:Vault 81
Weapon skills:Flamethrower, laser pisto
Become best friends by:Giving her a new synth body, avoiding selfishness and addiction. Curie is cool with nice, mean, and peaceful behavior, though.
Unique perk: Combat Medic�once per day, if your health falls below 10 percent, Curie will heal 100 HP. Unlocked by completing the Emergent Behavior quest and achieving max affinity.
At first glance, Vault 81 seems like the rarest creature in the wasteland: a Vault-Tec vault with no sinister purpose. After spending some time there, finding lost kittens and donating blood samples to science, a quest begins that sends the player to the secret, other half of 81. Deep in the lower levels of Vault 81�s real experimental labs, Curie has been waiting for almost a century. As a healer robot assistant, she�s glad to get out of 81 and function as a combat medic for the player.
Paladin Danse
Location: Cambridge Police Station
Weapon skills: Laser rifle
Become best friends by: Supporting the Brotherhood of Steel, being kind and violent. He likes it when you modify weapons and armor, and when you use power armor.
Unique perk: Know Your Enemy�attacks do 20 percent more damage against Super Mutants, Synths, and Feral Ghouls. Unlocked by achieving max affinity.
Danse and his team are wading through a sea of ghouls when you first arrive at the Cambridge Police Station. Help them fight off the ferals and make a few nice comments about the Brotherhood of Steel, and Danse will start giving you work as a Brotherhood Initiate. To get Danse as a companion, check in with Military Frequency AF95 after becoming an Initiate and completing a few Brotherhood quests. Reporting to Danse kicks off a new quest that ends with a the player getting a knighthood, a new suit of power armor, and Danse as a willing wingman.
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