Monday, July 30, 2018

Is it possible to make this site my desktop background Windows Help

Is it possible to make this site my desktop background Windows Help

Is it possible to make this site my desktop background? Windows Help

  • Is it possible to make this site my desktop background?
  • Preventing applications windows from opening
  • Creating A Scheduled Task To Automatically Delete Files Older Than X In Windows
  • Windows freezes when trying to access store certificates.
  • Looking for help if anyone knows a good program
  • Constant blue screens when trying to run Duet Display on Windows 7
  • Execute a program or script to enable "Dedicated Mode"
  • Troubleshooting in windows
  • Why does Windows still use CRLF line endings?
  • Bringing up Windows 10 AArch64 on a $50 Single Board Computer
  • Change of Heart: A Traitors Tale
  • Almost always at 100% Disk Usage even when idle?
  • Windows 10 Refuses to NOT Update
  • What changed in the most recent update? My laptop just resurrected itself
  • Easy language for apps/games?
  • Cool interesting program to force breaks/ Rest times for working on computers
  • alright guys what is s free program to transcribe audio into english text on windows currently?
  • Any Program out there can Track a windows device by Using the GPS no internet needed?
  • I need to get MSVCP140.dll working to run a game but I dont know how.
  • I need help and hope someone will
  • Xbox One controller not working
  • Reverting W-Update broke something?
  • Import / Export StartLayout
  • Account had a temporary profile, I followed some instructions and deleted a .bak file in registery - any way to recover from this?

Is it possible to make this site my desktop background?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:59 PM PDT

I'm not sure if this is the sub to be asking this, but I really want this to be my background. I am very tech savvy so do not be afraid to post anything complex.

Anyone who did not understand what I meant by "this" in the title. This is what I meant.

Edit: "this"

submitted by /u/cjstine
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Preventing applications windows from opening

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:43 PM PDT

I got two applications - Spotify and NordVPN, which I configured to start on boot, but unfortunately there is no option to prevent their windows from opening, and I just want to keep them minimized in the system tray area. Is there a way to do such a thing?

submitted by /u/infin1t3void
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Creating A Scheduled Task To Automatically Delete Files Older Than X In Windows

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:35 AM PDT

Creating A Scheduled Task To Automatically Delete Files Older Than X In Windows submitted by /u/TheMarmotZombie
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Windows freezes when trying to access store certificates.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:53 PM PDT

Windows 7 Ultimate

Basically, when I try to access the certificates through either MMC, Internet Options->Certificates, is hangs as soon as I try to open it and eventually fails. Weirdly though, I can get to them through Power Shell (cert drive), and view, delete, etc...

Does this even in safe mode. What might be the cause of this? No new software installed, patches all current.

Thanks in advanced.

submitted by /u/HadManySons
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Looking for help if anyone knows a good program

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:52 PM PDT

Looking for help if anyone knows a good program submitted by /u/NickZphotos
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Constant blue screens when trying to run Duet Display on Windows 7

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:18 PM PDT

I just found out about Duet Display for iPad and how I can use it to connect to my PC, but I keep getting BSODs whenever I try to actually connect the two together.

This is the email I sent to the support team:

"I am trying to use Duet to link my iPad up to my Windows 7 laptop, but while it initially tries to connect, the display on my computer will briefly change and then my computer will immediately bluescreen.

"I've tried reinstalling Duet, selecting more efficient settings, making sure my iPad and Windows are up-to-date, uninstalling and re-installing my iTunes and other Apple software, and updating my video card drivers, restarting with almost every change, but the bluescreen continues to occur every time. The error that I think I keep seeing before my computer restarts is "SERVICE_EXCEPTION" (I don't remember if it says "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" or not).

"I've attached a collection of the files generated from each crash so far. One set is from before I tried troubleshooting on my own; the other is from after.

"Please let me know if there's any additional information I can provide about my computer or the error message I am getting.

"Thanks in advance for the help!

"My Setup

"iOS Hardware: iPad6,8 iOS Version: 11.2.6 duet (iOS): 1.5.7

"Desktop Hardware: ASUS ACPI x64-based PC (8 GB RAM, Intel Core i7-2670M CPU @ 2.20 GHz) Desktop OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, Service Pack 1 duet (Desktop):"

I should add that the particular version of Duet I got for my desktop is actually (I had to confirm this after the fact).

The response I got from Support was:

"We have ready a new version for Windows PC of Duet Display, Please uninstall Duet and restart your PC. Then download new version [I've removed the link here] and install again. Make sure to restart your PC and power cycle your iPad to complete the installation.

"Let us know how this work for you."

So, they want me to uninstall the program again, re-download the same setup file, and reinstall and restart both devices. I would get it if there was a sign that the setup file I downloaded was corrupted, but the program by itself works fine until I actually try to make it connect the computer to the iPad.

I was wondering, if I linked to the dump and error report files here, would someone be able to help me identify what the issue might be (hopefully without unnecessary repetition of things I've already tried)?

If it would be easier to unzip the individual files and post them that way, or if I need to put up more information about my computer's specs, please let me know and I'll edit this post to do that.

Thanks in advance for the help!

submitted by /u/dalennau
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Execute a program or script to enable "Dedicated Mode"

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 07:51 PM PDT

Basically is there any windows 10 program that enable w10 to not only lock the computer to a single program but also kill any background programs running when this "Lock" is enabled?

submitted by /u/jasperellis
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Troubleshooting in windows

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:09 AM PDT

Hi folks, I'm a junior system admin I know some things about windows, but I don't know how to edit on registry (reg edit) or mss windows... So is there any tutorial about it? Or anything to be professional on windows

submitted by /u/Millo_basic
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Why does Windows still use CRLF line endings?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:01 PM PDT

The carriage return is just a useless extra byte that serves no purpose but to give people hell. It would be so much easier on everyone who uses non-Windows operating systems if Windows would standardize Unix line endings. Like seriously. For starters, Visual Studio keeps mixing line endings on .NET Core projects that I share with my hackintosh and Linux machine, and there's no way to stop it but with a third-party extension that strips them on every save. On an enterprise-grade IDE. In $CURRENT_YEAR. And every other editor or IDE I use for any other language on Windows automatically assumes that I want carriage returns for new files, and often buries the option for that in some obscure menu or config file, if it's present at all. I really want to like Windows for more than vidya. Microsoft has done a good job polishing their operating system and making a former Unix snob appreciate it, but this is one of my biggest gripes.


submitted by /u/pagefault0x16
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Bringing up Windows 10 AArch64 on a $50 Single Board Computer

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 02:56 AM PDT

submitted by /u/Titokhan
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Change of Heart: A Traitors Tale

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:11 AM PDT

My father was a Mac user, and his father before him a Mac user as well. Spent most'a mah life livin' on a Mac as well. No shame in it, just the way o'the land.

But, I'm making the switch, headed off into foreign waters. I want Windows 10, and I'm going to be getting it by the end of the month. Me and my trusty 2012 Macbook Pro have been through a lot, but I just bought a pre-built desktop this week and now I come, deep into my former enemies' territory, looking for further guidance...

The Specs:

  • XPS 8930, Special Edition Chassis (460W)
  • 256GB M.2 PCIe x4 SSD + 2TB 7200 rpm Hard Drive
  • Graphics: GTX1070
  • 8th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 6-Core Processor (12M Cache, up to 4.6 GHz)
  • 16GB Dual Channel DDR4 at 2666MHz (2X8GB)

I'm really happy with the parts I've chosen, but still not sure what kind of monitor I'll need to match the capabilities. A friend of mine is giving me one of his old monitors, but I think I have the ability to use a 4k if I wish so I'm hoping to learn more about those options as well. A family member warned me against LEDs because of glare and was adamant that I shouldn't spend more than around $250. I don't think that's realistic sadly, but it's where my expectations started before doing some minor research.

I watch tons of movies, television, plan to play lots of games, at some point next month plan on editing a podcast, blah, blah, blah. You get it.

Also, what is the best way to transfer the contents of my Apple's HD to the new Dell. I'm used to backing up with Apple's Time Machine app and already have a few External HD's on hand, but I'm having trouble finding resources that can guide me through the most efficient process. I heard that using Cloud based sources was good (DropBox, GDrive) but if there's a better way I'd be very interested. I've always viewed external's as an all-or-nothing deal, as in, I can't pick and choose which files to pull over, it can just copy and paste my old OS with those files, which won't work in the case of moving from Apple to Windows. But maybe that's just me showing my naivety.


Ok, sorry for the wall of text. Hopefully you kind folks can help! Thanks in advance. If there's somewhere else this should be asked also let me know!

submitted by /u/scttrbrain
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Almost always at 100% Disk Usage even when idle?

Posted: 14 Mar 2018 11:14 PM PDT

Got a new Asus 510QU laptop and it is almost always at 100% disk usage, with the highest running program using only 4 MB/s. Even after a restart. I've tried reinstalling Windows 10 and switching to another hard drive entirely. But it seems to have made no difference. The replacement hard drive is almost always at max disk usage as well. What am I doing wrong here?

submitted by /u/zerogravix
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Windows 10 Refuses to NOT Update

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:10 PM PDT

So, I have a feeling this might be related to this article... but here is my issue...

I have Version 1511, it's been good to me and let's me run my games. Windows about 3 weeks ago shoved version 1709 down my throat games are 90% broke now and don't even launch. Specifically World of Warships. I went through a whole host of things with their support from uninstalling video drivers, reinstalling, running diagnosis, etc etc...but it all comes back to 1709.

So I uninstall it and back to 1511....barely have the computer on 1511 again for 10 minutes starts to redownload 1709 again! I've now done this song and dance of uninstall and it reinstalls itself within a day, 3 times! I've even changed policy settings and regedit (below) and it just ignores it! Who owns this computer?!

I know 1511 is at end of cycle, but if 1709 breaks the ability for me to use the computer 1/2 the time....what's the point? Anyone know a trick to make Microsoft get a hint to not update?

Steps taken:

  1. I've done run services.msc and changed the startup type to disabled under the Windows Update service
  2. Went to run gpedit.msc and Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update Opened this and located the Windows 10 'Defer Upgrades and Updates' and made changes so that I had 'Skip to next update' checked and also said Skip 365 days policy filled out
  3. Did Regedit Regedit for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdateAU and changed the key 'Key: NoAutoUpdate' so that 'Type: DWORD' had a value of 1 instead of 0.
  4. Unable to do the 'switch on metered internet' to trick system, it doesn't offer me this option for whatever reason in settings.

Even after all this....I start up the computer and....Windows 10 update is downloading 1709 again!

Some details of the computer: intel i5-2500 @ 3.30 GHz, Ram 8GB, 64 bit processor, AMD 6900 graphics card (I know it's old)

submitted by /u/Teradoc
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What changed in the most recent update? My laptop just resurrected itself

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:27 AM PDT

So after the whole "there's a huge security risk due to the nature of CPUs" fiasco, there was a forced update that essentially turned my laptop to molasses. But after this recent update, I got my old laptop back. What happened? I'm just so happy that I need some more information.

submitted by /u/bemddi
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Easy language for apps/games?

Posted: 14 Mar 2018 11:29 PM PDT

I have a Windows phone and laptop, and I thought it would be fun to make apps and games for them as a hobby.

What is an easy language to get started in?

submitted by /u/ForkMinus1
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Cool interesting program to force breaks/ Rest times for working on computers

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:44 PM PDT

Cool interesting program to force breaks/ Rest times for working on computers submitted by /u/FastRiley
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alright guys what is s free program to transcribe audio into english text on windows currently?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:33 PM PDT

Ideally not a cloud/ internet based service offline would be a plus.

submitted by /u/FastRiley
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Any Program out there can Track a windows device by Using the GPS no internet needed?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:18 PM PDT

submitted by /u/FastRiley
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I need to get MSVCP140.dll working to run a game but I dont know how.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:13 PM PDT

A game I enjoy playing refused to launch from steam so after some digging I think its because it cannot find MSVCP140.dll, however I've found that the file is indeed on my pc, so what do I do now. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm kinda new to mucking about with the files, so bear with me as I will probably have some questions that come across as naive and ill informed.

submitted by /u/Dovahkiin419
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I need help and hope someone will

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 12:44 PM PDT


Today I got something weird on my laptop. Last night nothing was wrong, windows did usual updates and I shut down my laptop. This morning I started it as usual and now I don't know what happened but whenever I try to refresh my desktop or in folders it takes at least 2 minutes and when I try to click or do something else it gives me error and says Microsoft Windows not responding you can wait until it responds or you can end process. I searched and tried many things to solve this but couldn't. Maybe someone here have some intel about this or seen this problem before. Also I deleting things also got delay.

EDIT: I used Malware Bytes and Avast nothing suspicious found.

Also restored system to yesterday issue is still there

submitted by /u/Embes
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Xbox One controller not working

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 12:13 PM PDT

I have connected my controller to my Windows 10 pc and it vibrates but the logo doesnt light up and I cant use it. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/mrbubblegum22
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Reverting W-Update broke something?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:01 AM PDT

I first update the Windows but I stuck at 640x480 resolution. My rx 480 gpu's driver software doesn't have an option to change color settings. They don't exist so I couldn't fix the issue. I revert back to old windows. But know windows feel slower and weird. I click stuff to open them up but sometimes they won't open at all. Mouse seems a bit slower and clumsy, I don't even know what I am experiencing with the mouse. Like I can feel it is on a rought surface, even tho it is not. (windows seems slower and unresponsive)

Anyone else experienced similar issues?

submitted by /u/bluepurpleandblue
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